3Rs network and tools database

In recent years two European Commission Reports, Holley et al (2016) and European Commission (2017) , have found that significant improvements in the communication of information on 3Rs resources and the development of alternatives are needed. To focus attention on the availability and utilisation of 3Rs knowledge sources, the Joint Research Centre (JRC) created an inventory of knowledge sources and are now undertaking a study to provide an initial overview of 3Rs education and training opportunities being offered at high school, university and professional levels .
A great number of 3Rs resources and tools exist but they are uncoordinated, under-utilised and suffer from a lack of sharing and communication within and between different sectors and communities. In addition, available resources are constantly changing and new ones are becoming accessible on a regular basis. Therefore, to help VetBioNet members and the wider scientific community particularly working in animal infectious disease to be aware of up-to-date important 3Rs knowledge and resources a new and evolving VetBioNet 3Rs Networking Resource is now available.
This 3Rs Networking Resource provides information on 3Rs organisations and networks including; location, links, contact information and a summary of applicable activities. A second section details 3Rs Tools that are available online including relevant; databases, training material, guidelines, applications and journals. The resource is designed to be searchable and dynamic. It will be updated on a regular basis (bi-annually; March and September) and any direct contributions are more than welcome.
To suggest any additions to the 3Rs Network Resource please contact, Michelle Hudson-Shore, University of Nottingham [michelle.hudson-shore@nottingham.ac.uk].

3Rs network database

3Rs TOOLS database

VetBioNet database (internal)