Read the updated COVID-19 statement by VetBioNet partners

COVID-19 is first and foremost a human infectious disease that, due to its pandemic spreadand its often fatal consequences, has sparked an unprecedented research response by the scientific community worldwide. Despite being perceived as a human disease and Public Health issue, COVID-19 is actually caused by a zoonotic viral pathogen (SARS-CoV-2) that originated from bats and has the ability to infecta wide range of wildlife, companion or farm animals (including fruit bats, non-humanprimates, ferrets, minks, racoon dogs, big cats, domestic cats, tree shrews, hamsters, rabbits and cattle). Hence, COVID-19 presents a typical ‘One Health’ issue that, to be fully understood must be addressed in a Public and Veterinary Health perspective.

Assembling the majority of Europe’s leading research institutes in the field of animal infectious diseases, VetBioNet strives to play an eminent role in the European research response to emerging zoonotic and/or epizootic disease threats. After the emergence of COVID-19 in autumn/winter 2019, a number of VetBioNet partners have immediately launched studies addressing critical aspects of SARS-CoV-2 infections in animals and humans.


More information available on the dedicated page here.