VetBioNet Kick-off Meeting in Tours, France

The VetBioNet Kick-off Meeting (KoM) took place at the Oceania Hotel, in Tours, France. Attendance to the KoM was open to the consortium partners and the Stakeholder Advisory Board (SAB) members.

The KoM aimed at:

  • Officially stating the beginning of the project;
  • Outlining the project goals as well as the individual roles and responsibilities of the consortium members;
  • Clarifying the expectations of all parties;
  • Creating a commitment by all the project’s participants.

The meeting was organised as follows:

3rd April 2017:

The meeting of the Executive Committee (ExCom) was held. The main topics addressed were: 1) the role, composition, meetings and functioning of the ExCom and roles of the ExCom members during the KoM; 2) management issues and roles of the European project manager; 3) role and composition of the governing bodies of the project; 4) dissemination and communication issues; and 5) organisation of the next project meetings.

4th April 2017:

  • The day started with a welcome introduction by Catherine Beaumont (president of the INRA centre in Val de Loire).
  • Then the coordinator Frédéric Lantier and the leader of WP10 Sascha Trapp presented the overall project and INRA Transfert (IT) presented the governance structure of the project.
  • These talks were followed by an overview of the objectives of each WP. WP1 to 9 leaders presented the objectives, approaches, expected outcomes and work done so far for each WP.
  • During the afternoon WP1 leader and IT presented the Transnational access (TNA) way of functioning, administrative and financial aspects. Then, IT, on behalf of the Department of intellectual property (DPTI) of INRA, presented intellectual property issues and IT presented project management and financial issues.
  • The rest of the afternoon was devoted to interactive workshops, for WP7, in a plenary session, and for WP1, WP3 and WP6 in parallel sessions.

5th April 2017:

  • The morning was devoted to interactive workshops in parallel sessions for WP2 and WP4 and, WP8 and WP9.
  • In the afternoon, the leader of WP5 presented the dissemination plan, training, data management and technology transfer issues.
  • Then, each WP leader presented a wrap-up of what discussed during the interactive sessions.
  • The last session was devoted to discussing with the SAB member who presented his feedback to the consortium.