Samples Requests

Samples available from VetBioNet partners’ collections and procedure for the generation of on-demand samples

As part of the VetBioNet project, a database of the types of sample collections available at partner institutes has been established. These collections include viruses, bacteria and prions as well as animal study derived products (sera, tissues etc.). These collections will continue to be developed during the project lifetime.


VetBioNet and other biobank projects

There are several other biobank networks/projects – funded by the EU or other bodies – which VetBioNet is aware of and will be listed in this section. VetBioNet and its partners support these networks/projects, encourage researchers to use them and do not intend to offer materials which are already available through existing biobanks:

European Virus Archive goes Global (EVAg)


Overview of materials available through VetBioNet

Although some lower disease category material is made available, the main focus of VetBioNet activities is on samples involving human hazard group 3 and animal hazard group 3 and 4 pathogens:

Avian Influenza Diagnostic reagents
Brucella Diagnostic reagents
Classical Swine Fever Monoclonal Antibodies
Newcastle Disease Diagnostic reagents
TSE’S (BSE and Scrapie) Clinically positive, pre-clinical, field case material and validated negative tissues


Accessing materials through VetBioNet

A completed request form must accompany all requests for materials. The form, including guidelines to assist you in completion, is available here:

Sample Request Form

Once the request is approved, the applicant will deal directly with the supplying VetBioNet partner. Before any material is supplied, a material transfer agreement will need to be signed and the applicant has to supply an appropriate import licence if the material is being imported from outside the applicant’s country.

If you have any further queries, please email the TNA Access Point:


Costs of material supplied through VetBioNet

Academic research and government requirements: material is provided free of charge with the exception of postage and packaging costs.

Commercial research or application: there will be costs for both material and postage and packaging. The cost of the material will be determined by the partner organisation supplying the material itself and relates to the cost of its production.

Since the material supplied by VetBioNet is at least hazard group 3, it is classified as Category A under UN classification (i.e.: an infectious substance which is carried in a form that, when exposure to it occurs, is capable of causing permanent disability, life-threatening or fatal disease to humans or animals). Therefore, post and packaging costs can be significant depending on the supplied material.


Production of material that is not yet available

The production and supply of on-demand samples through Transnational Access (TNA) requests will be carried out on the basis of the normal approval process for TNA requests which includes scientific merit.